Petersfield Shopmobility
Freedom to Roam

Terms and Conditions
Petersfield Shopmobility (PSM) Terms and Conditions of loan.
In consideration of PSM loaning me/us a powered wheelchair, wheelchair, scooter or any other equipment under the terms and conditions of the scheme, I/we hereby undertake to comply with the following conditions:-
1. To take due care of the powered wheelchair, wheelchair, scooter or any other equipment whilst in my/our care and not to leave it unattended at any time, unless parked safely out of the way of pedestrians, immobilised or key removed as appropriate and secured to an immovable object. Any such period not to exceed 1 hour. When on hire overnight, all scooters/wheelchairs must be kept either indoors, or in a locked garage/shed, or if left in a locked car, to be covered so as not to be identifiable.
2. To exercise due care and attention at all times whilst using the equipment. To return all such equipment in good condition to PSM in a fit and clean state, at or before the agreed time. Any collection/delivery costs to be borne by the customer.
3. I/we accept that we use the hired equipment provided by PSM at my/our own risk, and PSM accept no liability whatsoever for any injury, loss or damage suffered by me/us whilst operating or using any such equipment. I/we will report immediately to PSM all accidents/incidents occurring whilst the equipment is on loan to me/us.
4. Limit utilisation of the equipment to me/us and no others.
5. To comply with the terms and conditions of the scheme and any operating instructions provided by PSM and its volunteer staff.
(I/we acknowledge that PSM have given me/us adequate instructions on the safe operation of such equipment.)
NB: Our Insurance Company requires us to make you aware that in the event you cause accidental injury or damage to a third party and they make a claim and any such claim is covered under any other insurance policy, they will only pay their share of the claim. You must tell us the name of the other insurer and their policy number.
Please note that we, unfortunately, are unable to offer assistance with lifting, and reserve the right to refuse a loan at the discretion of the trustees or volunteer on duty at the time.